A twisted page-turner by Amina Akhtar
By: Abigail Dawn

Released on August 1, 2022, Amina Akhtar’s Kismet, is a novel for thrill seekers to enjoy. Published by Thomas & Mercer, this story is just twisted enough to keep the reader locked in.

Book Summary

Like all good mysteries, this novel starts with the hint of suspicion then jumps to a normal day, a normal setting, and what seems like the perfect new adventure.

Ronnie Khan, a deep-rooted New Yorker from Queens, finds herself leaving her abusive aunt and moving to a “wellness town” in Arizona with lifestyle healer Marley Dewhurst. There she plans to reinvent herself, her life, and her goals, with Marley’s help. Things shift when other known healers turn up dead, and friendships start to deteriorate. Marley has one goal, and Ronnie isn’t following, making her fear for the next body that turns up.

Book Review

Akhtar’s character development was strong, but it was her subtle, yet obvious, demonstrations of white privilege and microaggressions that added much value to the storyline. For readers who don’t find themselves paying attention to microaggressions and forms of racism towards the BIPOC community, Akhtar not only lays it out, but explains it through Ronnie’s experiences. Allowing readers who may not have “noticed” before, to take the steps to notice and understand its impact. Thank you, Anima Akhtar.

The novel jumps between two main experiences, Ronnie and the killer. This style is intriguing, and allows readers to play detective throughout the story. It created another universe to jump into which made the novel into a real page-turner.

Unfortunately, the constant mention of ravens at the beginning of the story was overpowering. Although ravens become an integral part of the storyline later, readers could potentially be bothered by the lack of mystery and intrigue. The author made it obvious they were important, and it took away some of the investigating readers enjoy when it comes to symbolism, character development, and creating connections throughout the plot.

Overall Recommendation

I recommend this novel for a reader looking for a twisted, symbolic, anti-heroic thriller that will leave them on their toes the entire time. So … a reader who doesn’t plan on getting much sleep from cover to cover. This novel has a clear story development, with enough suspense to keep you entertained and invested.
