Things you can incorporate into your morning routine, in the order that feels right to you
By: Teagal eMagazine

What makes morning routines complicated?

Currently, as a search term “Morning Routine” is trending. But what makes it so trendy?

Influencers, bloggers, and content creators advertise “morning routines” as this “perfect” way to start your day off. Although, it’s not wrong, taking into account that each person has their morning routine is key. It’s not a one size fits all, and that’s what makes it complicated to stay consistent.

When we look up morning routines, we have a list of a dozen different things to do before starting our work day. It becomes overwhelming and unrealistic.

Morning routines aren’t complicated, but following someone else’s 24-step routine might be.

How to start a morning routine?

Starting a morning routine, involves looking at what you already, unconsciously do. Do you start your morning off with a cup of coffee? Do you read the paper? Do you make a breakfast? Do you shower? Creating a morning routine shouldn’t be about starting from scratch, but about incorporating realistic steps into the steps you already do.

It’s about starting your day off right, which means starting your day not feeling overwhelmed. Be realistic when you are looking to add things to your morning, and be consistent without kicking yourself if you fall out of routine.

Yes, consistency with anything is important, but when we make ourselves feel guilty because we “missed” a step, it takes away from the main goal, which is feeling better throughout our day.

What easy things can you incorporate?

Creating your routine with the steps you’ve been doing for years is key, but below are a few realistic things you can incorporate into your morning routine, in the order that feels right to you.