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Don’t let writer’s block stop a great idea

Writer’s block is real. Whether you’re a new writer just getting started on your first novel, or a seasoned writer who just can’t come up with ideas anymore, it happens to everybody.

The difference is seasoned writers know what to fall back on, and have had practice getting out of their “writing rut.” While new writers barely know where to start, let alone having an alternative plan if it all blows up in their face.

To help you get started on your writing journey we have provided a list of popular book topics in 2022/23 that will hopefully get the juices flowing, and the plot thickening.

Before you write

According to The Urban Writers, before you choose what genre to write, it’s important to brainstorm your desired audience. What do you want them to get out of your book? What emotions do you want to bring up as readers read? 

This brainstorm will allow you to understand your desired outcome. The next step is looking into popular book genres/topics to see which one matches with your brainstorm.

It’s important to look at popular genres because if your goal is to get eventually published, what’s popular is what agents and publishing companies will be looking for? 

20 popular book topics for new writers

Monthly Amazon releases its editor picks, books that editors pick and recommend based on the plot, genre, writing style, and literary value. Amazon then allows readers to look at the books picked throughout the year and sort by genre. According to Amazon’s Editor Picks, a few genres have been popular throughout the 2022 reading year.

Below we have given you a list of the most picked genre to the least picked genre in the popular books of 2022. Books that had the same value are listed in the genre order that they appeared.

  1. Women’s Fiction
  2. Literary Fiction
  3. Historical Fiction
  4. Biographies & Memoirs
  5. Health, Fitness, and Dieting
  6. Short Stories & Anthologies
  7. History (Non-Fiction)
  8. Mystery
  9. Thriller & Suspense
  10. Social Science
  11. Women’s Studies
  12. Science Fiction
  13. Humour and Satire
  14. LGBTQ2S+
  15. Medical
  16. Politics
  17. Professional and Technical
  18. Religion and Spirituality
  19. Romance
  20. Self-Help

Final thoughts before you get writing

Although getting published is often a writer’s dream, getting published can be valueless if your work doesn’t speak to you. Although the following genres were part of this year’s literary picks according to Amazon, it is important to write in the form of what speaks to you. It’s not always necessary to be a follower of trends, this post is simply here to help new writers explore their writing.